<Tooltipplacement="top"trigger={(triggerProps) => {return (<Button h="$24" {...triggerProps}><ButtonText>Hover on me!</ButtonText></Button>)}}><TooltipContent><TooltipText>Tooltip</TooltipText></TooltipContent></Tooltip>
import { Tooltip } from "@darden/design-system"
export default () => (<Tooltip><TooltipContent><TooltipText /></TooltipContent></Tooltip>)
Prop | Type | Default | Description |
isOpen | boolean | false | Whether the tooltip is opened. Useful for controlling the open state. |
isDisabled | boolean | false | Whether the tooltip is disabled. |
defaultIsOpen | boolean | false | If true, the popover will be opened by default. |
onOpen | () => void | true | This function will be invoked when the tooltip is opened. |
onClose | () => void | - | This function will be invoked when tooltip is closed. It will also be called when the user attempts to close the tooltip via Escape key or backdrop press. |
openDelay | number | 0 | Duration in ms to wait till displaying the tooltip. |
closeDelay | number | 0 | Duration in ms to wait till hiding the tooltip. |
placement | "bottom" | "top" | "right" | "left" | "top left" | "top right" | "bottom left" | "bottom right" | "right top" | "right bottom" | "left top" | "left bottom" | bottom left | Tooltip placement |
children | any | - | The content to display inside the tooltip. |
closeOnClick | boolean | true | Whether tooltip should be closed on Trigger click. |
trigger | () => any | - | Function that returns a React Element. This element will be used as a Trigger for the tooltip. |
offset | number | 10 | Distance between the trigger and the tooltip. |
crossOffset | number | - | The additional offset applied along the cross axis between the
element and its trigger element. |
shouldOverlapWithTrigger | boolean | false | Determines whether tooltip content should overlap with the
trigger. |
shouldFlip | boolean | true | Whether the element should flip its orientation (e.g. top to
bottom or left to right) when there is insufficient room for it to
render completely. |
closeOnOverlayClick | boolean | true | Closes tooltip when clicked outside. |
Sx Prop | Description |
_text | Prop to style TooltipText Component |
function App() {const avatars = [{src: "https://example.com.jpg",alt: "Sandeep Srivastva",color: "$emerald600",},{ src: "https://example.com.jpg", alt: "Arjun Kapoor", color: "$cyan600" },{src: "https://example.com.jpg",alt: "Ritik Sharma ",color: "$indigo600",},]return (<Box h="$96" justifyContent="center"><AvatarGroup flexDirection="row"><Tooltipplacement={"top"}trigger={(triggerProps) => {return (<Avatarsize="lg"color="$white"borderColor="$white"borderWidth="$2"$dark-borderColor="$black"{...triggerProps}><AvatarFallbackText>+ 3</AvatarFallbackText></Avatar>)}}><TooltipContentp="$5"maxWidth="$72"bg="white"$dark-bg="$backgroundDark900"><VStack boderRadius="$2" space="md"><Heading size="sm" lineHeight="$md">View all members of this channel</Heading><Center><Text fontSize="$sm" lineHeight="$md">Includes John, Sarah, Mike, Emily</Text><Text fontSize="$sm" lineHeight="$md">and David</Text></Center></VStack></TooltipContent></Tooltip>{avatars.map((avatar, index) => {return (<Avatarkey={index}size="lg"borderColor="$white"borderWidth="$2"bgColor={avatar.color}$dark-bordeColor="$black"><AvatarFallbackText>{avatar.alt}</AvatarFallbackText></Avatar>)})}</AvatarGroup></Box>)}
function App() {return (<Box h="$96" justifyContent="center"><Tooltipplacement={"top"}trigger={(triggerProps) => {return (<Avatar size="md" {...triggerProps} bg="$indigo600"><Icon as={Edit} color="$white" size="sm" /></Avatar>)}}><TooltipContent bg="$white" $dark-bg="$backgroundDark900"><Box p="$2.5" boderRadius="$2"><Text size="sm">New message</Text><HStack space="xs" p="$1" ml="$3"><Avatar size="xs" bg="$trueGray500" rounded="$sm"><Icon as={Command} color="$white" /></Avatar><Avatar size="xs" bg="$trueGray500" rounded="$sm"><AvatarFallbackText>N</AvatarFallbackText></Avatar></HStack></Box></TooltipContent></Tooltip></Box>)}